Thank you for stopping by I am the daughter of an Army Officer, who instilled in all his children how beautiful and incredible India is! He fought in World War II and fought for India during our freedom. So, history, as he narrated of India, has been my passion; which encompasses customs, lifestyles, values, and beliefs (Hinduism). Simply put, one can say Hinduism is more than a religion. It is a culture, we have all learned about flexibility, adapting to different situations, places and people; it is a way of life. As I grew up this became even more evident as I moved to another country and became friends and acquaintances of people from various backgrounds. Hindu practices include rituals such as puja (worship), Vedic chants, meditation, culinary art, art and annual festivals.
India is a diverse country with each region having its own culture, traditions, cuisine, and climate. Even the landscape is different; north having the Himalayas, which is still being explored, to the south which is cultivated. The west is deserts and the east which is the cultural capital of India. Indian culture is heavily influenced by food and festivals. Culinary traditions play one of the greatest roles in this glorious, vibrant culture. Traditional cuisine is passed on from generation to generation, making it a cultural identity and a form of expression of our diverse culture with a garnish of a myriad of spices being the perfect recipe for celebrations. aims to indulge the readers in a mesmerizing journey into the traditional Indian culture through festivals and culinary arts.
As people have moved to different parts of the world and as our future generations have become adaptable to the country or people they live with, I felt this website may help future generations to understand and celebrate some of our culture through the main festivals in a simple way. Also, I have included the health benefits of each of the spices as our ancestors used the spices in combinations to enhance their health. According to our ancestors, in certain combinations you can ward off common colds, coughs, allergies etc. These traditions are still prevalent in certain households even today.
For those who would like to study traditional Hinduism, there are many Hindu holy texts and practices that are intended to provide the devotees with spiritual paths.
Initially, I have given a short story for each of the festivals which has been passed on from generations and hope that could be passed on for future generations…. or inspire you to read in-depth about the story.
Like my father, I am not traditional, but spiritual and living out of the country, I have had to adapt due to the availability of materials or due to lifestyles. Festival or a celebration is never constrained to a single family or a home, friends are involved in bringing liveliness to an occasion.
Included in this website is a history of India and local traditions and arts from a perspective of architecture. Hope this inspires you to create a festive environment wherever you are and visit or explore India and taste the different cuisine.