Pursuing Dreams & Becoming Change Agent

“Got a dream to take them there
They’re coming to America
Got a dream they’ve come to share
They’re coming to America”….. Neil Diamond’s Song 

Early 60’s through the 80’s people came to America to realize their dreams – abundant opportunity to educate oneself and find employment.  The situation was picture perfect!!  Everyone came with rose colored glasses – a chest x-ray in one hand (to ensure there was no TB imported) and suitcase in another with all the spices we could bring, especially during the early 60’s and 70’s.  There were a few small Indian grocery stores or even other ethnic stores where we could purchase what we could find at “home”.  Talk about major changes that had to be made ….. adapt to the American  way, change in food habits, music, culture etc.  Young people who came as students stayed with American host families who did not know or heard about vegetarianism, but they were kind enough to accept a foreigner as their own and teach the “American” way.   

These changes were not considered a hardship – why?  Because, it was realizing their “Dreams”!  Alliances and friendships were formed with people from all over the world as well as the “native country”.  As friendships formed, they became the community or the support system for each other.  The second generation came and there were more changes, should they be taught “ethnic culture”, while being embedded in the “American culture”.  Struggles within one’s own mind how to nurture this generation, while still holding on to one’s belief and customs.   

In the 60’s up to 90’s people were not open minded about other cultures.  If one came to “America” one should embed themselves in this culture.  As ethnicity grew so did the acceptance of the philosophy that children should learn their native language as well as culture, bilingual was acceptable – the freedom for the youngsters to choose the path they cherished as they became adults.  Cultures mingled and became a melting pot – a little bit of this and a little bit of that.  As young adults started dating more and more inter racial marriages started to form – the purity of ethnic culture no longer flourished.  The ethnic beliefs mingled with the local beliefs were the practice for the new generation.   

As the first generation started their golden years, support systems started to  melt – again they had to adjust to more changes.  As one grows older it is hard to change, but there is no other path – need to adjust.  There are lots of issues, medical, support system etc. that needs to be figured out.  Again, one has to remember why we came to “American”, – Pursuing Dreams” – adjust to CHANGE! 

The next issue will be about support system one can find in their golden year…. 

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