Solar Eclipse

Solar Eclipse

Myth or science

“Solar eclipse” the phenomenon which occurs when the Moon comes exactly in line between the Sun and the Earth, eclipsing the light of the Sun. According to traditions, people consume food an hour before and wait for an hour after an eclipse to consume food, fast during an eclipse, do not keep any cooked food in the house and take a bath after an eclipse. Darbha grass is placed on water containers and foods such as milk and yogurt.  These practices have been followed for generations and dates back to Rig Veda.

What happens during the eclipse? Due to changes in the gravity, there is a lot of changes in the cosmic radiations and reduction in the ozone layer, which affects all of us. Lack of sunlight strengthens the bio-magnetic fields of the humans, which causes a lot of disturbance in the stomach and mind. Hence, to avoid chemical reactions in the body food is avoided. Also, chanting mantras keeps the mind at peace due to the vibrations created in the body due to chanting.

During an eclipse the ultraviolet rays and blue radiations are not available, which trigger bacterial growth. So, if the food is stored during the eclipse, food could be contaminated, which leads to food poisoning.

After an eclipse a bath which includes washing hair eliminates toxins and decreases bacterial and viral infections.

Darbha, the sacred grass acts as a disinfectant, thus preventing spoilage of fermentable foods.

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