Ajwain Seeds (carom seeds)

Ajwain is a member of the cumin, dill or caraway family. This is a grayish- green seed and has a strong smell.  When chewed it tastes hot and bitter. When crushed they have a strong thyme like fragrance. When used in cooking it is crushed to release its flavor and aroma. This seed has medicinal values and is used in Indian cooking.


Carom seeds are rich in fiber, antioxidants, and other vitamins and minerals. Because of this, they have been associated with health benefits and long been used in traditional Indian medicine practices.

Ajwain may help in the following:

  • One teaspoon of ajwain power with warm water, eliminates abdominal discomfort such as gas or stomach pain.
  • It is helpful for nausea, vomiting.
  • Fumes of burning ajwain relieves chest congestion.
  • Ajwain paste mixed with water when applied externally relieves joint pain, lower back pain
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shruti pise
shruti pise
2 years ago

Very informative