Chakras – Repositories of Power in the Human Body

Chakras and Nadis
The human body is made up of the physical body and the subtle body. The subtle body (sukshma sharira or linga sharira) can be understood as a complex energy system made up of Energy Centers (Chakras) and Energy Channels (Nadis). It is through this system that the Life Force (Prana) flows in the body. When the Nadis intersect in different parts of the subtle body they form Chakras. The human body has 114 Chakras and 72,000 Nadis!
The health of the Nadis and Chakras impact energies at all levels – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Of the 114 Chakras 7 are the most impactful than the others. We will discuss these 7 primary Chakras and how they affect the human body mind and emotions.
The Seven Primary Chakras
The Chakras are energy centers that are in the form of a triangle but are spinning disks of energy – and so they look like spinning wheels (chakra). It has been observed that the positions of the 7 chakras correspond to the endocrine organs. The endocrine system of the human body plays a pivotal role in the body’s ability to function, as also its emotional and physical well-being.
These seven Chakras are the fundamental support systems. The Chakras are located along the spinal cord. When the Chakras are aligned and open, they are in their most pristine element and the physical body is healthy. When the Chakras are out of balance and closed there is disease in the body. If imbalance in one Chakra is unchecked, it can cascade down to impacting the other Chakras. It is essential to keep the Chakras open, aligned and balanced for optimal health. This can be done through healthy lifestyle and yogic practices.
Every Chakra is associated with a sound syllable, number of petals and affects various parts of the physical body and different emotional dispositions. Each of these seven main chakras has a corresponding number, name, sound (bija-mantra) and color. These Chakras range from the specific area (kshetram) at the base of the spine from the sacrum to the crown of the head. Each of these have specific health-related focus. The Chakra at the sacrum (root of the spine) has the slowest movement (spin) and the chakra-movement gradually increases as you move up the spine – with the Crown Chakra with the highest movement.


This Chakra forms the foundation of energy body. It is the most instinctual of all chakras since it is the survival center. This chakra provides grounded-ness as it is related to basic needs such as food, water, shelter, and safety, and more emotional needs like security. The primal response of survival is fight, flight, or freeze is initiated from Root chakra.
It has the slowest movement. If the Chakra is dominant food and sleep become the principal factors in life. This Chakra is the center of physical energy, grounding, stability, physical identity, and self-preservation. Destabilization of the chakra leads to lack of energy, depression, pessimism, arthritis, constipation, bladder/colon issues, and insecurity about finances, basic needs, and well being.
Awakening of the Kundalini – the dormant spiritual force – begins here.

Located (kshetram) – at the base of the spine in the tailbone or the sacrum
Activation Point (kshetram) – between the perineum and the coccyx (pelvic bone)
Sound – La
Energy Color – red, four-petaled lotus
Element (tattva) – earth

Endocrine Gland – Adrenal glands situated at the top of the kidneys. These glands secrete several hormones including adrenaline which stimulates the ‘fight or flight’ response. This is directly related to the Base Chakra’s survival nature
Secretion – epinephrine actions
Governing Function – excretion, survival
Governs – feet, hips, lower spine, legs
Connected with – sense of smell
Underactive – fearful, nervous, insecure
Overactive – greedy, materialistic, obsessed with being secure and resist change


This Chakra is seat of the self. It is about feeling and sexuality. When this chakra is balanced feelings flow freely and are expressed without being over-emotional. The person is open to intimacy and can be passionate and lively. The person will have little issues dealing with sexuality. Sexuality, pleasure, feeling, creativity urinary tract, lower back pain. Feeling of self-worth and self-worth around pleasure, sexuality, creativity.
Creativity may be expressed as procreation but also in the other creative arts and problem solving. When we use our resources to create something new, we are using creative energies.

Located – three inches below the navel, above the pubic bone
Activation Point (kshetram) – in front of the body is barely below the belly button
Sound – Va
Energy Color – orange/vermilion, six-petaled lotus
Element (tattva) – water

Endocrine Gland – ovaries related to sexual development and egg creation, controlling the levels of estrogen and progesterone.
Potential for life in the ovaries is mirrored in the drives of the Sacral Chakra.
Secretion – estrogen/testosterone
Governing Function – development, reproduction
Governs – tongue, reproductive organs, your bladder, kidneys, adrenals and lower back
Connected with – sense of taste
Underactive – frigidity, stiff, under emotional, closed to people around you, impotency
Overactive – feel emotional, overactive sexual drive


Manipuraka means ‘filled with gems’. It is the center of vitality since it controls our energy balance to strengthen and consolidate our health. This Chakra is about asserting yourself in a group. When it is open you feel in control and have sufficient self-esteem.
This Chakra is related to the psyche. Psychic problems frequently give rise to digestive problems. For example, many people react to fear or stressful situations with abdominal pain or diarrhea.

Located – just below the navel Upper abdomen in the stomach (hara)
Activation Point (kshetram) – navel
Sound – Ra
Energy Color – yellow
Element (tattva) – fire

Endocrine Gland – Pancreas secretes substances for the digestion of food
Secretion – insulin
Governing Function – metabolism, digestion
Governs – stomach, upper intestines, upper spine, digestive organs, gall bladder, pancreas, adrenals, and liver
Connected with – digestion
Underactive – ulcers, heartburn, eating disorders, indigestion, passiveness, indecisiveness cowardice
Overactive – with excess blood sugar, the major cause of diabetes


Is the bridge between the upper and lower chakras. Anahata means sound produced without touching two parts. It is symbolized by two intersecting triangles that form a six-pointed star with a dot in the center. It is the center of compassion, love, and spirituality. As the Heart Chakra is about love, kindness, and affection when it is open, you are compassionate, friendly, and have harmonious relationships.

Located – Center of the chest just above the heart (heart center)
Activation Point (kshetram) – heart
Sound – Ya
Energy Color – green
Element (tattva) – air

Endocrine Gland – thymus is located above the heart and produces lymphocytes, a vital part of the body’s immune response.
This quality relates the thymus to the healing properties of the Heart Chakra.
Secretion – lymphocytes
Governing Function – circulatory system, lymphatic system
Governs – thymus, blood, heart, lungs, cardiac plexus, breasts
Connected with – air, touch, and actions of the hands
Underactive – heart problems, asthma, weight issues, cold and distant, feel lonely, insecure, isolated, co-dependence, manipulative behaviors, feeling of unworthiness, inability to trust yourself or others
Overactive – suffocating people with love, putting others first to their own detriment


Vishuddhi means to filter or purify. It is the purification center. This chakra is associated with the Respiratory System/Thyroid Gland. This is the ‘communication’ chakra since it is the center for sound, communication, speech, writing and thought expression. Success and failure are said to depend upon the state of this chakra – whether it is polluted or clean.
This Chakra is about self-expression and articulation. When the chakra is open you have no problems expressing yourself, speaking and listening with compassion.

Located – at Adam’s apple area
Activation Point (kshetram) – pit of the throat
Sound – Ha
Energy Color – blue/light blue
Element (tattva) – ether

Endocrine Gland – Thyroid On either side of the larynx is the thyroid, producing thyroxine, which controls the rate at which the body converts food into useful energy.
The thyroid governs the rate of metabolism in the body.
Secretion – Thyroxine
Governing Function – Immunity
Governs – throat, thyroid, parathyroid, jaw, tongue, larynx, mouth, teeth, tongue, vocal cords
Connected with – sense of hearing, sound
Underactive – unable to articulate so tend not speak much, introverted, shyness, stammering
Overactive – speaking too much, usually to domineer and keep people at a distance, not a good bad listener


This Chakra is associated with the Autonomic Nervous System/Pituitary Gland. It is the center of psychic power, spirit energies, higher intuition and light. When balanced it provides intuition. When not balanced you may tend to fantasy. Helps towards intellectually enlightenment.

Located – between the eyesbrows
Activation Point (kshetram) – is not part of the physical body but of the Pranic system around the ‘third eye’ – Prana is the physical life force that extends to the energy of consciousness (devatma shakti/chiti shakti)
Sound – Om
Energy Color – Dark Blue/Indigo
Element (tattva) – ether
Endocrine Gland – Pituitary is situated near the base of the skull. It releases hormones influencing body chemistry.
The spiritual energies of the Brow Chakra are reflected in the pituitary’s influence on the body.
Secretion – somatotrophin
Governing Function – growth
Governs – cerebellum, nose, pituitary, Central Nervous System
Connected with – sense of perception
Underactive – not particularly good at thinking for yourself and you may tend to rely on authoritative people. You may be rigid in your thinking, relying on beliefs too much. You might even get confused easily. you may live in a world of fantasy, glaucoma, headaches, neurological problems, sight issues, concentration issues, hearing issues, not in touch with reality,
Overactive – Issues include Issues are – clairvoyance. Hallucinations are possible. Left Eye


The Crown Chakra is associated with the central nervous system/Pineal gland. It is the center of enlightenment, dynamic thought, truth, and oneness. This Chakra is about wisdom and realization of one-ness with the world. When this Chakra is open, you are unprejudiced and completely in the present and aware of the world and yourself.

Located – top of the head
Activation Point (kshetram) – energy of consciousness (devatma shakti/chiti shakti)
Sound – primal sound
Energy Color – Purple/Violet
Element (tattva) – space-time

Endocrine Gland – The pineal gland lies deep within the brain and produces melatonin.
This hormone affects the other glands in the endocrine system and mirrors the Crown Chakra’s relationship with the other Chakra’s.
This gland and Chakra hold sway over the entire system.
Secretion – Melatonin
Governing Function – Body rhythm
Governs – governs the top of the spinal cord, brain stem, pain center and nerves
Connected with – Consciousness
Underactive – Not spiritually aware. Rigid in thinking.
Overactive – Intellectualizing too much. Spiritually addicted and probably ignoring bodily needs Exhaustion, Epilepsy, Cerebrum, Pineal Gland, Right Eye

The crown chakra is linked to every other chakra (and therefore every organ in this system), and so it affects not just all those organs, but also our brain and nervous system. It is considered the chakra of enlightenment and represents our connection to our life’s purpose and spirituality. Those with a blocked crown chakra may seem narrow-minded, skeptical, or stubborn. When this chakra is open, it is thought to help keep all the other chakras open and to bring the person bliss and enlightenment.

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