The onion, known scientifically as Allium cepa, is red, yellow, white skinned bulb. It has intense flavor and has significant health benefits. When cut it produces a sulfur-based gas. Scallions are immature onions; it is harvested before the bulbs are formed. It is a source of antioxidant, which prevents damage to the body.
Onion is high in vitamin and mineral. It is anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antiviral and thought to have anti-cancer powers. It is the richest dietary source of quercetin, a potent antioxidant.
Onion may help in the following:
- Onion juice gives immediate relief from pain and burning sensation when bitten by a bee or snake.
- Two teaspoon of onion juice daily may help with rashes, dry eczema.
- Buttermilk with onion juice helps control diarrhea and dysentery.