Rathasapthami falls on the seventh day (Saptami) in Shukla Paksha of the Hindu month Maagha. Usually this falls in at the end of January or the beginning of February. It marks the seventh day following the Sun’s northerly movement (uttarayana) of vernal equinox starting from Capricorn (Makara). It is represented in the form of the Sun God Surya turning his Ratha (Chariot) drawn by seven horses representing seven colors towards the northern hemisphere, in the north-easterly direction.
In some parts of India, it is the start of the harvesting season. For most Indian farmers, this is also an auspicious beginning of the New Year. We pray to Lord Surya (Sun God) and thank him for helping with the harvest.
How to Celebrate
Sastras proclaim great benefits are obtained by bathing early morning during this month, especially on this day and praying to the Sun God. Evidently, the purpose is to destroy all the sins, grief and diseases in the last seven lives of the person.
Our ancestors started worshipping Sun as God which is the support of life and a source of energy. Surya is worshipped early in the morning when the sunrays emerges. It is believed that exposure to this sunray rejuvenates energy and purify the mind and body. Due to the gravitational pull, even other planets revolve around him. He creates, a source of strength and nourishment as well as destruction.
- Arghya (offering water to the Sun), water is poured in the hollow of the cupped hands and raising it to the Sun and poured out chanting these words (O God with seven horses! Oh Lord! The light for the seven worlds (seven continents) please accept this Arghya.
- Do sashtanga namaskar for men and panchanga namaskar for women to Surya.
The temples do an elaborate celebration for this festival.
Suggested Chants
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- Aditya Hridayam to Lord Surya daily
- Surya Mandala Stotram
Oh! Lord Surya, ruler of the universe, you are the remover of all diseases, the repository of peace
I bow to you. May you bless your devotees with longevity, health and wealth.
The most important delicacy for Lord Surya is wheat/rice paysa “pudding”. This is offered to Lord Surya after the Puja is complete.
Activity for kids
How many Sashtanga namaskar (boys) or (Panchanga namaskar (girls) can they do in 15 minutes.